Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year’s Resolution: Education

The road ahead always appears long and difficult; the terrain unmanageable. Looking back at the road traveled helps to assess our needs, wants and what is right; often we struggle to make the necessary changes. A new year triggers a time of renewal for our hearts and minds and brings us to that proverbial clean slate that makes us more energetic for making those changes.

There is so much to be done – where do we start?

We can not accomplish everything overnight. The question for each of us is what can we do now? Keep it simple. Simply put, once begun is half done. It is that simple! The thing that we can be sure of is that we need to do something. A few mouse clicks on the internet can take us anywhere.

Everything in our profession revolves around education. We can not stand still. Assess the knowledge and credentials in which you are in need and recommit to education. Are you in need of a degree or just simply some refresher courses? How about ReLicensure?! Please see October 31 article from Villanova University concerning ReLicensure.

As this blog continues to evolve, research the opportunities that are provided. Explore the schools of nursing that participate (and the many that are forthcoming) for the program and specialty they offer and take that first step.

Many of you maybe ready for your next step, a new beginning. Please examine the postings on CareerBuilder.com at left for the latest job openings and click on “Nursing Positions in Pennsylvania” and “Nurse Educator Postings in Pennsylvania” for a complete list.

Thank you for visiting this site in 2008. Your comments are not only welcomed here but encouraged. Your contributions will help make each one of us better, and in turn, better the healthcare industry. I look forward to hearing from you in 2009.

By Jenn Foster

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