There are many scholarships available to any and all people that are going into the nursing profession. Some people don't want to take the time to find out about scholarships for nursing school. Many believe that the monies that they receive from financial aid will be sufficient. Indeed, sometimes it is, that is if you also take the student loans that eventually have to be paid back.
The payback period usually begins approximately six months following graduation from nursing school. But be careful, if you drop out of nursing school for any reason, and do not apply for a hardship extension, you will be liable to begin paying back the student loan, in spite of your circumstances. With scholarships, you do not have to pay them back, period! This is true even if you have to drop out of nursing school for a short period of time. There is another false hood that is widely accepted. That is, that one has to have a 3.0 grade point average or greater to be eligible to apply for a nursing school scholarship. Not true.
There are many factors that allow an individual to apply for a nursing school scholarship. Maybe your are a single mother living on government aid, there is a scholarship for you. Maybe you are of a low income bracket and have a particular ethnicity, there is a nursing school scholarship for you, maybe you just live in an area that is considered economically challenged, there is a nursing school scholarship for you. The list goes on and on.
Where do you begin to find out if there is a nursing scholarship available for you. Other than the internet, the best other place to begin is in your home town, at your place of worship, your place of employment and the schools that offer a nursing program. You will be surprised to find that there are scholarships out there just for being you! Many places of employment or large companies have foundations and wealthy founders that put monies into funds for scholarships. Maybe your parents worked at a company for most of their lives that now makes you eligible to obtain a scholarship. Automotive company founders offer scholarships. Even large supermarket chains offer scholarships for nursing school.
The main idea behind scholarships is to promote education in the community. So don't ever feel that you are left out in the cold. It might be that you may run into a counselor that may not seem to have the time to do any research for you, but don't let that discourage you. Sometimes when you are going after something that you really want, like a career in the nursing field, you have to take the reigns and be assertive. That means finding someone to help you, if someone else won't.
The point is, that there are people that are hired to help you find the scholarships for nursing school that best fit your needs. That does not mean that you shouldn't do your own research as well. The chances of you finding some other scholarships for nursing school in addition to those found for you can only help not hurt.
Genius is Relative, Nurses!
2 years ago
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